Thursday, March 20, 2008

If you can't beat 'em join 'em....

Well, let's hope I can entertain others the way they do me with joining the club! This forum should be considered the new mother's club if you ask me. No one has to find a babysitter, pick up the wine and drive to said meeting house to share the trials, tribulations and triumph's of our daily lives as Mom's. I plan to to turn on "Elmo's World" for the hour long break in order to now read, laugh and comment on friend's pages....and hopefully use the time to give them a taste of my life too. Don't get me wrong, I would still like a wine break every now & then. Mmmmm wine.. Sorry, I'm back!

Ok, a bit about us: I am a (ALMOST) 30 yr. old mother of 1 wonderful son Kyle who is now 19months, a wife to a wonderful husband Matt who works like a dog (and play's pretty well too) and the age old title of homemaker. Can we pause here? Homemaker, let's look at that title for a moment. I think someday's I would take the literal term Homemaker over the actual job. I might really like to go out everyday and swing a hammer building homes. But, that's only sometimes. Most of the time's I accept the laundry, cleaning house, caring of pets and forever trying to find a spot for something in a house with no closets. Well, I make do most of the time. My son is amazing and I am blessed to wake to him every morning calling from his crib "Mommy, are you?". Matt's pretty cool too, but Elmo's world is coming to a close and therefore so must I!

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