Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day

To my wonderful husband for being a wonderful father. We both knew that becoming parents would be an adventure. We had the talks about raising children and how we'd like to do it, the rules we felt strongly about and the life we hoped to create for our family. I couldn't be more proud of Matt. He is one of the most dedicated and hard working people I've ever known and he does everything with 150% of himself. Becoming a father changed him, not enough that the outside world would notice, but enough that Kyle and I notice and we know how much he loves us and our family and is dedicated to us. Kyle is so lucky to have Matt for a Dad. Matt teaches him everything he knows and Kyle listens very closely. They play together, they laugh together, Kyle asks to go work with him and tells him to "have a nice day" every morning. They fish together, they talk about animals and explore the yard and woods together. They laugh and talk about their day during bath time. It is beautiful to watch them together and it is incredible to me how much Kyle is just like his Daddy. It's no question that he looks like him, but everything he does reminds me of Matt and I think that's wonderful. He has only just begun to learn from Matt and they will share this friendship for many years to come. I am blessed to watch it grow and be a part of an amazing family full of love. We love you!

To my own Dad for being you. For being someone who I can ALWAYS count on for anything. A good hug, a much needed cry, a pure laugh and all that you've taught me and given me of yourself. Very few people understand me the way my Dad does and it's nice to have that all to ourselves and to cherish it. We've done a lot of growing together and I couldn't have become who I am without you, and I am proud of that person. And for being Kyle's Bapa Billy Bob. It's enjoyable to watch a little person bring out the best in my Dad. They are starting to share more than hugs and kisses these days. My dad has introduced Kyle to the world of cars, engines, colors, makes, models and I'm pretty sure he'll be taking my place at the muscle car shows. He's passing on his love of birds. I am blessed to have you and my son is blessed to have you and I am happy to watch you two become friends. And you certainly make a mean cheeseburger and pot of baked beans! :) Love you!

And to the 2nd Dad I've gained by becoming a Grady. Papa Dan is a great friend to me. The brightest man I know and the person I pick up the phone to call when I have a question about ...well just about anything that you'd find in a book that's for sure! He accepted me as a daughter almost immediately and I felt a part of his family very early on. He's very thoughtful and always seems to find the perfect gift. He is also a man who I've seen a new side of since the birth of my son. They find much joy in each other. I'm not sure many other people can get Dan to act silly, play with bubbles and roll around on the living room floor. Kyle does it and they both laugh purely when they spend time together. I can't discard the fact that he's has much to do about raising the man I married into wonderful person and that's nothing to be taken lightly. Thank you for giving me Matt and thank you for being you. We love you!

OK, mush fest over....I'm out!
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