Monday, September 15, 2008

Child's play...

Diego is a household name around these parts and Kyle just thinks him saving animals is the greatest. Ky and Daddy share a lot of animal stories and Daddy has MANY funny, random sayings that shoot out of his mouth quite often. One of his famous responces to most questions in an effort to aggravate me is "hey, watta ya gonna do". He's taught this saying to Kyle who now uses it frequently also, it's cute, but it's gettin' old. Anyhow, while cleaning up after breakfast this morning Kyle was sitting at his "arpts & craps" table "working" and he was playing with a Diego toy that talks. So Kyle starts having a conversation with Diego as if they are on the phone and during the conversation I hear "ya, ok, like puttin' socks on a chicken, OK, bye" Yup - like puttin' socks on a chicken is another Mattism when referencing somethings hard to do. Looks like Kyle picked it up and wanted to share with Diego. Wonder if Kyle was referencing the tough time he was having at "work" pasting today?


Suzanne said...

Laughed my arse off - that is so funny!! What a smart boy!!!

Unknown said...