Nana came for a visit last week and we had a great day. I got out for a bit and had my nails done for Erin's wedding reception and I dropped my phone into the water (that was a good one). Kyle got Nana Cill all to himself for a couple of hours; they played on his swing set, they did arts and crafts and Nana brought a little pumpkin that's he's still very excited about. We went to see the Clydesdale horses at a farm in Lakeville and they are just beautiful and then we hit Friendly's for some lunch. While at Friendly's, Kyle made friends (no pun intended) with a beautiful little girl who's mother gave me the best advice ever. I wish I could find her to thank her!! She informed me that she had a binky fairy who took the binky's to the baby's who needed them and she left gifts in it's place. Well, it freakin' works!!!! I never thought we'd say goodbye to the Deet, but we are 5 days strong and he didn't even ask for it once today. Of course, his teeth are going to fall out of his head because I've been giving in to dum dums every time he asks, but oh well. We have put a stop to the buck teeth and a lisp! I got off track, we had a great visit with Nana! She even turned Kyle into a photographer. He's now taking a spot behind the camera these days with a disposable. He's advances it, turns on the flash and I'm pretty sure he's getting us in the frame too! LOL At the rate he's going, this kids going to be smarter than me at age 4!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
At "Work"
Happy Birthday, Matt!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Child's play...
Diego is a household name around these parts and Kyle just thinks him saving animals is the greatest. Ky and Daddy share a lot of animal stories and Daddy has MANY funny, random sayings that shoot out of his mouth quite often. One of his famous responces to most questions in an effort to aggravate me is "hey, watta ya gonna do". He's taught this saying to Kyle who now uses it frequently also, it's cute, but it's gettin' old. Anyhow, while cleaning up after breakfast this morning Kyle was sitting at his "arpts & craps" table "working" and he was playing with a Diego toy that talks. So Kyle starts having a conversation with Diego as if they are on the phone and during the conversation I hear "ya, ok, like puttin' socks on a chicken, OK, bye" Yup - like puttin' socks on a chicken is another Mattism when referencing somethings hard to do. Looks like Kyle picked it up and wanted to share with Diego. Wonder if Kyle was referencing the tough time he was having at "work" pasting today?
Who's the daring one here?
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Apple Pickin' Ya'll
I have been asking Matt to go Apple Pickin' since we met and of course every year when we decide to go it's already too late. I think he secretly plans it, so you can imagine my surprise when he suggests we hit the orchard last weekend! It was a bit early in the season, so not too much of the fun stuff going on at the orchard yet, like hay rides and such. But, delicious apples and peaches for sure! It was a great day all together. "Millions of peaches, peaches for me...." (anyone remember that song?)
Monday, September 1, 2008
Deeda and Papa snagged a campsite at Massasoit over the weekend and Kyle learned that people actually do camp there and it's not just for walking! I LOVE camping, I don't love set up and packing so there is nothing more perfect then when your Dad does all the set up and you get to enjoy it. VERY nostalgic for us camping at Massasoit. We spent at least 2 weeks every summer camping there and although
some will debate the actual campsite, we've agreed that it's either D10 or D12 (I vote D12). Even though we walk the campground quite often, I can't remember the last time we were swimming there. I'm pretty sure it looked a lot like this! (see awesome grandpa spinning happy little boy in circles) Thanks Bapa for continuing the tradition of being the rocking swim partner of Massasoit. There was a time when my Dad created lines of children waiting to be tossed into the air at the Lake. All the friends we'd made during our stay would love to hang with us and the coolest Dad around.
We'd leap onto his back as he called out "whale ride". A ride that always had you skimming across the bottom of the Lake longer than your lungs could handle bringing you both to the surface like a shot laughing out loud. We'd jump onto his back when the fish got gutsy and nibbled at your legs, we'd shoot from the water with a white rock found at the bottom that always felt like a treasure. We'd leap from his big strong shoulders as if he was a 100ft tall. He always seemed it to me (still does) And now I sit on the shore watching my son enjoy all the same moments. Always a kid at heart Dad and thank goodness!
Good Luck, Kara Jean "the beauty queen"
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