Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Countdown to Jamaica

Any tips on flying/traveling with a toddler? Christen, I'm pretty sure you could help us out a bit here. We are VERY excited about our trip to Jamaica for Auntie Erin & Uncle Eddy's wedding!!! Hooooray! I'm a bit concerned about the travel though; mainly because we don't travel often even the 2 of us not to mention with the little man. He's a great kid and does listen well, but I don't know what to expect on the flight. Are children typically intrigued or scared? Can I bring a carry on for Kyle's stuff and a separate for mine? I've borrowed my sister's DVD player for backup and I haven't decided whether to check his car seat or bring it on the plane for his seat? I know in my heart that it will all work out and we'll have a smooth time getting there, these are just the things I've never done so wonder quite a bit. I'm also not one to make a list 3 pages long, make sure I've dotted all t's and crossed i's...or the other way around :) I'm more the person who say's "If we've forgotten it, I'll get it when we are there" Maybe that's why when Kyle breaks something he say's " Let's buy a new one" Ooops my bad. Oh another silly thing, do I pack a package of diapers for this trip or can I buy them at the Beaches resort? I realize all these questions can be answered by calling the airline and/or Resort and I will make that call....but I figured I'd just put the questions out there for the heck of it.


Anonymous said...

I think I can answer most of those...Lots of snacks, lots of snacks. Do not pack a ton of stuff for carry on- their attention never holds for long. If you bought a ticket for Kyle- he gets his own carryon. I would pack a new coloring book/crayons, aquadoodles, snacks- out for both of you-he gets excited to have a surprise filled backpack, and you don't have to carry anythingh other than your carry-on stuff. It's up to you to check the seat- I would, you don't have to lug it around to connecting flights. He'll be excited to have a big boy seat- Ben was. Use your stroller up to the gate, and check it at the gate, they'll have it waiting for you when you get off your flight...any other questions- is that good? Oh- diapers I would buy there...they must have 'em, right?

Suzanne said...

Evan was very cool on the plain - pack lots of wipes b/c if you get an explosion like us - you don't want to be short wipes.

Kyle will love it!

DEF check the seat - he will like sitting on the big boy chair like you guys.

Anonymous said...

Check the seat! And as long as you don't mind paying a million dollars for the diapers you can buy them there LOL. When you pack crayons, pack new ones and new books they hold their attention longer. If possible let him look out the window Bella loves it.

PS Have fun and don't forget sun screen.