Friday, April 10, 2009

You can close for camping...

....but you can't keep us out of your woods! Massasoit State Park...our beloved woodsy getaway has been deemed uninhabitable to the public camping community this year. A sad state of events for a girl who's been camping there since she was 2 weeks old! Ok, so I haven't technically camped there in many years, but I did end up moving 5 minutes up the street therefore granting myself year round access to doggy rock. Kyle is falling in love with it too. We walk there just about once a week; rain, snow, shine we find a way to smell the Massasoit air. My favorite bird has been chirping as we step out of the car these days and it fills my heart with joy. I call it the "summer bird". If there was a way for me to google a bird call to find out what this bird is actually called, I'd do it! I just might send video out to the masses looking for answers. Even Matt came home the other day and told me he heard my "summer bird" this Am and thought of me. We thought for years it was the Whippoorwill and then a recent trip to the Science Museum in Boston squashed that. While Nana Cill and Kyle ran circles around the bird room I sat in one spot listening to the calls of 100's of local birds trying to identify my "summer bird" only to leave with that questioned unanswered. It may even require a 2nd visit this spring to search some more. Anyway - Massasoit. We tried out roller skating there the other day this week and we chose a bad day for Kyle (I'll post separately my rant about the bank incident) and he wasn't having skating, but we turned it around with some good old fashion "throwing rocks into the water" activity and kept him happy! I'll kind of enjoy having the Massasoit beach to ourselves this year without all those pesky campers....polluted or not, I'll swim!

"off and skating"

"little better"

"meltdown!" I shouldn't have mentioned that its just like the ice skating that he hated ever minute of

"last chance"
Happy Now!

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