Go ahead and mock me, but I think this home appliance deserves props. The Pellet Stove! I searched from the
beginning of the fall for someone to come out and service/clean/make sure it wouldn't blow the house up check the pellet stove we have in our house. Since it was here when we bought the house (from my in-laws who's parents once owned the house and know exactly where it was purchased) and we didn't purchase it our selves...
NO ONE would come out! I mean,
no one! I called as far as the Cape to get someone out here and "sorry miss, we only service what we sell" was always the response. Even from the people who the stove was actually purchase from, but with no proof. I'll avoid a slander suit and omit the name of the only pellet stove company in
middleborro, Ma who do A LOT of business....(
ahh I feel a little better). I'm not one to fight tooth and nail and get all headstrong with someone over the phone so I
politely say "oh, really, that's too bad" and figure out a way to take care of it myself! Since it was involving fire and potentially burning the house down I figured I'd better know what I was doing. With many helpful hints from my Mother In Law and some website searches; I got it working! And watched it like a hawk for several days to make sure it was working properly. She's a Blaze folks! The very sad arts & crafts table not longer needs to be dragged to a jammed spot somewhere in the house during the cold winter months, our boots and mittens find themselves drying by the fire, it heats the house for about $5 a day keeping the entire house at 71 on average and it smells delightful! I've always loved the smell of a fire. No longer do I have to lock the sliding glass door or worry about the cat opening it to let the cold air from the porch in. And it's like adding a room to a cramped house, in the winter with an
energetic little boy running about! A pellet stove, how I love thee. Shall we name her?!